Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Insomnia Treatment

Today as many people are facing Insomnia problem or suffering from Sleeping Disorder. Lets discuss more on the insomnia.

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is sleeping disorder that consists of having difficulty falling asleep, wake up a few times during at night, or wake up too early in the morning. In other words, when as a person can't 'rest or sleep of his mind' can be known as sleeping disorder.

The symptoms of Insomnia:

There are a few types of insomnia which can be classified as:

1. Transient (short term) insomnia which lasts from a single night to a few weeks.

2. Intermittent (on and off) insomnia is on short term basis, which happens from time to time.

3. Chronic (on-going) insomnia occurs at least 3 nights a week over a month or more.

What are the common causes of Insomnia:

1. Psychological factors
When we experience emotional feelings of helplessness, tension, fear, nervousness and worry. A person mind is still thinking of and bothering with all these psychological factors even lying on bed during rest hours.

2. Lifestyle factors
Drinking alcohol and smoking can also caused insomnia. Caffeine is a poweful stimulant and can keep people awake. Try to avoid caffeine beverages prior to sleep.

3. Environmental factors
Environmental factors like noise, light, room temperature (too hot or too cold) will also affect a person sleep quality.

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